Tier 4 Restrictions

Since last nights devastating government announcement regarding Christmas and the introduction of a new Tier 4 set of restrictions, like most clubs and syndicates we have been waiting to see what interpretation of the the regulations our official angling body (Angling Trust) came to. 

LGCAA have now had chance to read all the guidance currently available and we are please to say that at the time of writing this statement there appears to be little impact on the current regulations on angling. LGCAA waters will continue to remain open to members. However we must remind you, we are now effectively in lockdown and should abide by the current government rules. You should not travel into a Tier 4 area to any fishery from outside .

* There should be no social gatherings, please do not visit the fishery if it is not with the intention of fishing.

* Fish activities should be conducted on your own or with one member of your household.

* All matches will be suspended until advised otherwise.

* Please continue to sanitise your hands before and after touching any locks or gates.

* Toilet will remain open but members are advised to bring and use their own sanitising products before entering and leaving the facility

* The normal 72hr session rule remains in place, however we will continue to monitor angling activity and adjust accordingly.

As the situation seems to be evolving rapidly, please keep checking back for the latest information. 

Stay safe.