Letchworth Garden City Angling Association as members of the IPA enable our members to have access to a number of other stretches of the river Ivel in addition to the section that runs through Poppy Hill.

Further information on the IPA and what they are about can be found on their website here

Holme Mill (Biggleswade)
This section runs from Jordans Mill left bank upstream 1200 yards under the A1 road bridge to where the recreation ground starts in Biggleswade. This was always referred to as the “Free Stretch” and has from July 2016 been leased to the IPA. Some fast and slow bits of river the swim at Burys Hole where the main river meets the old mill stream is always worth a try.

Back Meadows (Bigggleswade)
This water has become recognised as one of the big barbel hotspots in the country with fish to over 20lbs. It suffered from otter predation in 2015 but many big fish are still present along with some very big chub and roach. Because this section has houses on the opposite bank night fishing and bivvies are not permitted . The following extract from the constitution must be adhered to while fishing Back Meadows:-
1) Angling will be allowed from 6am to 11pm from June 16th to September the 30th and from 7am to 7pm October 1st to March the 14th
2) A single rod and line only
3) No wading in the river for angling
4) No Bivvies
5) Juniors under 11 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Access to Back Meadows is similar to the Common at Dan Albone Carpark.

Biggleswade Common
This mile long section contains both chub and barbel and is accessed from Dan Albone Car Park by the Iron Bridge in Biggleswade. Access to the down stream end can be made through Manor Farm see that Web Page for details.

Sandy New Road
This section runs from New Road Bridge left bank upstream to a point near Bells Brook approximately 800 yards. Weedy in Summer but clear in the Winter. A slow moving stretch with chub and roach in places.

Girtford Bridge
This stretch comprises the IPA Waters which is the right bank down stream from the bridge for 200 yards and for this season continues on the adjacent stretch for a further 800 yards  owned by Vauxhall AC to a point near the sewage outlet. Vauxhall have granted the IPA the right to fish this stretch provided people are members of an IPA affiliated club. This stretch is a wider slower stretch and contains chub, perch, pike, a few carp and some roach and dace.

This is a short 250 yard section access by driving into Blunham Village and turn into parking area as indicated. A short walk will take you to this stretch which is at best for the more intrepid whp like a bit of jungle in the warmer months. However the vegetation dies right back in the winter when the fishing is at it’s best. Barbel and Chub are present in this section with a few decent sized pike and bream.