Upcoming Workparties

The fisheries management will be working on Lake 2 tonight (1/9/21) to transport material from the carpark to the area indicated on the map. Work will be going on between 6pm and 8pm and we will require access either down the Canal or round the back of Lake , please keep the paths clear during this period. Pegs 11, 12 and 13 will be out of use until work has been completed. Sunday 5/9/21 will be levelling the path, repairing and reinstating the swims. 

This area still hasn’t dried out fully since the winter so we hope by raising the level of the footpath this will help keeping the swims and footpath accessible. We have already raised the level of Peg 12 considerably but more material is needed. Please keep clear of the area and refrain from using the swims until after Sunday when the work has been completed. The footpath maybe impassable until then so access will be via the canal path.

The following Sunday 12/9/21 we will be holding a general workparty around the site and will be looking for volunteers to come along. We will be meeting around 9am in the car park and normally knock off about 2pm. If you are interested in getting involved even if it’s just a couple of hours, please drop us a line via FB messenger or contact the Fisheries manager.