Sewage pollution has become a national scandal.
In 2015, Fish Legal, a team of dedicated environmental lawyers who use the law to fight water damage, won an important legal case that secured a right for the public to access environmental information directly from privatised water companies in England and Wales.
It was a hard-won right secured by anglers using the might of Fish Legal that has been critical in exposing water company abuses. Many of the campaigns that have brought sewage pollution to the news have been facilitated by this law change secured by Fish Legal.
But your right is under threat.
What is happening?
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 are on a list of legislation that Defra is currently considering scrapping. If the regulations and the case law disappear, privatised water companies can go back to polluting under a veil of secrecy.
What are Fish Legal trying to achieve?
They want to flush out Defra’s plans into the open. To do this, they need your help. If you want to protect rivers, lakes and coastal waters from pollution, help them stop the Government taking away your right to know exactly how much damage privatised water companies are causing. Sign the petition today!