As published in your 2022/23 club book Poppy Hill will close on the evening of Sunday 14th May and will reopen to the 2023/24 club book members on Thursday 1st June. During this closed period, we will be holding a series of work parties but we need your help to get things done, It’s for your benefit. We need people of all abilities as we have several projects we would like to complete, from fencing, swim building, hedge planting to just tending a fire.

For those offering to come along and lend a hand we will allow you to fish around the work parties during the Friday/Saturday weekends however you will be expected to reel in and meet us in the car park at the start times. Under no circumstances will fishing be allowed while work is going on. Weather permitting the fisheries management will put on a bit of a BBQ on the Saturday evening for the volunteers.
We don’t expect you to commit to all the days but to help us plan what we are going to be able to get done and to know numbers we need to cater for, please drop us a line at if you would like to come along or even just need more information. Alternatively, you can contact us through Facebook messenger.